July 11 Birthday: Sally Blane

Sally Blane (1910-1997), actress, The Story of Alexander Graham Bell

Believe it or not I’ve known of Sally Blane since I was about 11 or 12.  I didn’t know she was Loretta Young’s sister until high school.  Fortunately the local TV channels played old films, one being The Vagabond Lover (1929) with Blane,  Rudy Valleee, and Marie Dressler.  I don’t remember the film at all but I remember being so excited to see a 20s talkie.  It was so old and historic for me. A few of her films including Vagabond are available on DVD.  The Story of Alexander Graham Bell stars her and her other sisters portraying sisters.

Below is a video I just found online today.  It’s a musical sisters act from The Show of Shows (1929) including Blane, Young, Dolores and Helene Costello, and Ann Southern billed as Harriet Byron.  Blane and Young look like twins!